Tuesday, May 26, 2009

where is the motivation??

spent the week-end real low key - wanted to renew and refresh and let my mind wander and unfocus...... might of worked but don't know - come Tuesday the start of the week (today) and i could not find the inspiration to do anything.

ate, sold stocks (should not have), cleaned, paid bills, and started - finally - to pack some more boxes of GC books. luckily Amy called and wanted to do coffee.... Saved!!

Evan is leaving tomorrow so afterwards i cleaned out the truck (futzing) and finally am forcing myself to write this bit.

This lack of motivation is caused by my lack of passion. Need to find something to do and just do it. I don't think it is too important for it to make money - if you start something and start to lead it - others will begin to follow. My problem is to sort out/identify what it is i want to try. everything sounds good in the heat of the moment but then the rational brain steps in and i end up in KC mode (total paralysis).

so what could crank me up?

1) wise old sage of the canyon - tell stories, connect people, solve problems, lead a cause/ngo. i'll begin to persue this once i'm out there but doesn't resonate from wisconsin.

2) teambuilding trips through the canyon. talked with amy about this one today. raft trips bring people toghter through shared thrills. could do this with corporate accounts (one large group) or maybe better through ones or twos from all around ala CCL style. lot could be done in 7 days.

3) use the canyon history to guess about the future. focus on large coprorations and big box retail. they are going to slowly be supplanted by the small, the individual, the internet. to get the corps out of their box you have to get them totally out of their world and isolated for enough time that they break away - at least three days but maybe less in a rapid. in the canyon you really begin to focus on yourself and your abilities.

4) women bullying workshops. use the education system to model corporate best behaviors. teachers have the system down (not perfect but plenty of practice) so share that with the corporate world.

5) train Drover (or Shredder....)

there are plenty more ideas where thse came from. is it time to have a contest???

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