Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Days

Read an interesting article today.....

May 25, 2009,

The author starts with
"What is happiness? How does one get a grip on this most elusive, intractable and perhaps unanswerable of questions?"
and follows that with...... "For the philosophers of Antiquity, notably Aristotle, it was assumed that the goal of the philosophical life — the good life, moreover — was happiness and that the latter could be defined as the bios theoretikos, the solitary life of contemplation. Today, few people would seem to subscribe to this view. Our lives are filled with the endless distractions of cell phones, car alarms, commuter woes and the traffic in Bangalore. The rhythm of modern life is punctuated by beeps, bleeps and a generalized attention deficit disorder.

Crithley follows this with a discussion of what is happiness - all the multiple variations and possibilities - and they all involve having time to think and enjoy the world we live in. And it does not include the the constant noise and prompting of our electronic world.

I think life in the canyon could bring much happiness to anyone who takes the time to enjoy it. Turn off the TV and talking heads, reduce email and IM to a minimum, and get out and feel the wilderness and clouds and rocks and air......
But, but, but - how can you make money?? The consumption god attacks! Let's beat it away too!!

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