Thursday, May 7, 2009

dang - hard to keep up......

this retirement is hard work - never seems to be enough time to do everything that needs to get done.

Had to go fishing this past weekend..... but that was more to take a break - and go to the dump, change the oil in the 4 wheeler, and bring stuff up to hang on the walls - deer head. Nice talks with Colleen.

back at the house most of the time was spent on the porch - had some rotten boards and columns that needed to be replaced. Fun and hard. It's nice to get the callouses back on my hands (instead of my butt).

Got boxes of stuff from work - it's easy to condense everything into seven boxes from 25 years. looks like Cindy had to do it - only a few things broke on the trip.

initiated the retirement process..... tried to hold off for as long as possible but it just won't make without. the next couple of months we'll be running a bit short but when the house sells income will exceed expense.

Market has been good - still playing conservative and taking profit continually. But may seems like a good month to bail out and wait till august to begin again. everyone always seems to forget history until it bites them.

looking at ANEN and POWL.

house inspection tomorrow - fix the garage door, clean interior, and finish gardening. Sole Burner on Saturday with Steph and her crowd.

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