Saturday, April 25, 2009

moving along

offer in on the house - now countering.

when it is sold what next? the move will be the big thing especially how much. years of collection come into play. the fiesta, kalideoscopes, gc book, lamps, camping, looming, sewing, rocks - all take up space and don't take easy to moving

luckily the appliances are taken off the list- go with the house. (wonder what they will think of the speed queen dryer with the magnetron magnet holding the door shut. great dryer that only cost $1 at an auction 25 years ago.....

most of the rest of the house we can sell or donate. no real desire to hang on to 'stuff' except for the family pieces. We'll need to store quite a bit until the new abode is built but that could be a few years out.

how much stuff do we really need??

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