Monday, April 20, 2009


Got a kindle a couple of weeks ago - first to check it out first hand and secondly (primarily) to give it to my parents. Thought they could use the adjustable font - works well - and wanted to see how well the text-to-speech functioned - heard differing opinions.... but for them it works well especially having both male and female voices.

Today read an article in the WSJ entitled "
How the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write" by Steven Johnson. He discusses how e-books may change the future of reading. One point he makes is that the kindle gives you a bookstore wherever you are - have the desire to read something else and it can be be purchased and read in a little over a minute. Used it myself and it makes it easy to satisfy those sudden urges to try something else.

But he also brings up the entire notion of how we are going to be able to reference and discuss books in the future. No page numbers on the kindle....... by text location? or will we simply take everything down to a few key sound bytes or quotes and not even reference the source?? do we need some type of filing system? i'm sure there are a zillion ideas out there of how it might work - i should tag this article - but what tag??

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