Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pack, Pack, Pack

have been going through the house with Mary Ann and Sarah since May 30 - with just a few breaks - like for ankle surgery and trips to St. Vinnie.

the object has been to separate the keep from the sell - and hopefully with much more going into the sell piles. 30+ years of collecting really adds up.

found some really nice artwork buried in the attic - plus a lot of the kids 'art' from school. parting with it is difficult but necessary (and it will prove to be very wrong if any of our artists become well known).

we've got most of the attic and most of the feista done. kalideoscopes are next and then clothing, quilts, sewing, tools, computers, and the few pieces of furniture that we want (desk, table, hutch) it is really not hard parting with all the catholic memoriabilia - perhaps the thought of eternal damnation is providing the motivation?!?!

yesterday we got shooed out of woodmans while we were gathering more boxes. i really liked the margarita boxes - just the right size and weight. plus they are colorful......

still working the stock market. it has been very profitable. i want to bet against oil but it doesn't want to go down. too many people hedging against the dollar. selling on big ups and buying back in on the lows. have a lot more cash to play with -- finally.

the new puppy, Drover, is worth his own article.....